Psychiatrist Richard Green conducted the leading study in this field in the 1970s and ‘80s. Tomboys aren’t as likely to become lesbian adults. Neither does the relationship appear to be as strong among girls. Joe as boys and quarterbacked the high-school football team. The correlation is much weaker in the other direction: A disproportionate number of boys who don’t conform to gender stereotypes turn out to be gay men, but lots of gay men played with G.I.
(Read the Explainer’s take on why boys prefer to play with sticks while girls go for dolls here.) The relationship isn’t one-to-one, however, and it’s certainly not the case that all boys who love Barbie dolls will later identify as gay. Predictive behaviors include playing with Barbie dolls, shying away from roughhousing, and taking an interest in makeup and women’s clothing. A hefty pile of research shows that boys as young as 3 years old who break from traditional gender roles have a high likelihood of becoming gay adults. When do gay children start exhibiting telltale signs? One of the student-plaintiffs is a 14-year-old boy who hasn’t declared his sexual orientation but has been harassed for his clothing choices and his love for singing Lady Gaga songs.
A Minnesota school district is facing a Department of Justice investigation and a private lawsuit over its alleged failure to combat antigay bullying.